37. Incentives

Step 2. Preparation

You might be wondering why you need to reward participants? If there is no incentive for participants then your call for playtesters might only attract gamers of a certain type, i.e. only those who are willing to give up their time for free. To ensure that you’re reaching the most suitable players, rewarding them with an appropriate incentive should help you reach a broader range of potential participants to choose from.

Incentives can take various forms, including:

  • Cash. Either paid physically or transferred digitally. Note, you might need to talk to your accountant/finance department about the legality of doing this first.

  • Gift cards. This could be for online stores or digital game downloads etc.

How Much?

The value of the incentive you choose to offer is up to you. Do consider that people will have to pay to travel to your office, spend time there, then travel home again. This is likely to be a minimum of 2 hours in total. Also consider that if the value is too low then some people may not apply, but if the value is too high, people may apply just for the reward itself.

Key Takeaway

Be willing to reward your players fairly. After all, without the right players, you are introducing uncertainty into the process.

Next: 38. The Team Mindset