23. A Preparation Checklist

Step 2. Preparation

In order to prepare for your usability playtest, we need to complete the following tasks:

[ ] 1. The structure of the playtest has to be defined.

[ ] 2. Suitable players have to be defined and recruited.

[ ] 3. The observation template has to be designed and created (digital or physical).

[ ] 4. The playtest environment has to be set up and the build tested.

[ ] 5. Paperwork - printing of NDAs, timetable of playtest sessions, player profiles, game reference material.

[ ] 6. Player incentives are ready - cash, gift cards, games etc.

[ ] 7. The team are notified of the playtest and mentally prepared (team mindset)

Let’s examine each.

Key Takeaway

Checklists help build consistency. Even when you’re about to do your 1000th playtest I’d recommend to still refer to them. Your checklist will change over time, that’s fine, it might be interesting to still keep your old ones (keep a version history) so you can look back at the changes made.

Next: 24. Playtest Structure