21. The 7 Steps in Usability Playtesting

A Playtesting Primer

Let’s chunk a usability playtest into seven distinct steps:

Step 1 - Aligning on a Clear Purpose

Why are we doing this playtest? The team needs to be aligned on the purpose of the playtest.

Step 2 - Preparing

What needs to be in order before you can begin a usability playtest?

Step 3 - Observing

How to observe the player and codify their behaviour.

Step 4 - Interviewing

How to reliably interview the player without altering their mental model.

Step 5 - Sensemaking

Making sense of the playtest findings.

Step 6 - Knowledge Sharing

Create awareness throughout the whole team about what the main issues found were. This is about creating a shared understanding.

Step 7 - Aligning on Action

How to move from awareness to action. The usability findings will only help improve your game if they’re acted on.

Key Takeaway

Having a clear approach to playtesting makes the process easier to learn and repeatable to a consistent standard.

Next: Step 1 > 22. Aligning on a Clear Purpose