36. Paperwork

Step 2. Preparation

The items below could be either on paper or digital, either way, you’ll likely need them for your playtest.

  • Timetable of the sessions. This will detail when each player’s session is due to start and end, along with a short summary of their gaming profile (games played, platforms, preferences and attitudes).

  • Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). If you are requesting that the player does not communicate any knowledge about what happens in the playtest, you may ask them to sign an NDA.

  • Receipt of incentives. Your accountant/finance department will likely want a record of who a payment has been made to.

  • Controller guide. If there is no tutorial yet you can physically print out the controls for the player and leave it on a sheet of paper beside them.

Key Takeaway

Whether physical paper or digital alternative, some ‘paperwork’ is likely to be needed on the day.

Next: 37. Incentives